Sounding Call – April 2015
Hello from the hollows of the internet!
Worry not as new pages are being worked on, and will be posted as soon as they are ready.
The big thing eating into drawing time has been, actually, preparing the first Long John book for print. Details will follow shortly, but needless to say it has been an exciting and frustrating task putting it together. It will contain new art (not new pages) from both Josh and myself and will collect the entirety of “Sunza” and “Save the Bones,” and will be 48 pages in total. And, because you’ve been so patient, here is the cover:
I’ve also been long wanting to create an ostensible internet hub for all the things I do and, while not a replacement for any of these things, it can be a place that I can send people to and they can go to Long John, or A Podcast [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes, and whatever else from there. I’ve had my eye on Tumblr for awhile, but never really jumped onto it because I hadn’t really an idea as to what it was or did. To my best estimation, it’s an interesting idealogical meeting ground between Facebook and Twitter. Less complicated than Facebook but more robust than Twitter. Less insipid than Facebook can be, but as interactive and fast-response as Twitter can be. And you can write more than 140 characters, which is nice. So, I jumped on board and have pointed a domain I haven’t been using to it: I just opened it up and it’s a little sparse, but I do enjoy it (well, mostly, its potential) quite a bit. As I think of ways to expand its use, it will fill out over time.
I chose Tumblr over building a new website mostly because I don’t want my hub to be a deep time-sink for potential users with loads of pages to plow through or even a deep archive. I’m not sure if I’ll be re-posting my longer blogs there (likely, I’ll just be posting the links to the Tumblr from here), but it will depend on the quality of its blogging capabilities. Also, building a website––with my limited ability and knowledge––is an endeavor which exhausts me just from the thought of it, even with the relative ease of something like WordPress (which Long John is built upon). I wanted to be sleek and superficial––kind of like a catch-all business card that says, “This is who I am, and this is what I do.” I have high hopes for it, but not on a grand scale, but mostly as a centralized location where I can share and post about all my interests without worrying about crossing audiences or mixing messages.
Looking forward to the new book. Cool mysterious photo-had to chuckle. You always have a surprise.
I’m excited to get the book out there! Luckily, it’ll be sooner rather than later.