I am proud to announce––a day before the comic begins to start updating again––that Long John, Volume 2 is now available for purchase through the Etsy store (or click Store at the top of the website). This new book is 36 pages long with updated text (from what is on the website) and a few new pieces of art (mainly the cover and the closing page of the chapter). No Hellrider Jackie side story is in this volume, but we will definitely come back to her. I also reprint the Sketch Friday drawing/essay of my Long John sketch in the style of Darwyn Cooke since I am really proud of that piece and also want to spread the word of Cooke’s work as much as possible. The book is $7 plus $3 shipping in the continental US; I will also include an original Long John sketch and a bookmark with purchase. It’s a gorgeous book that I’m really quite proud of––an introspective character study––and if you want to read the rest of the chapter before it updates on the website, buy it now.
And, again, Long John will start updating again tomorrow, September 13, and will update twice a week until the chapter ends. Where we left off (last August…ugh) is about right smack-dab in the middle of Chapter 2, so there’s still quite a bit of comic to go. Until tomorrow, catch up on Chapter 2; reread Chapter 1; browse through the press the comic has received (in the Links section of the website) and––most importantly––share the comic with people you think may enjoy it, which I hope is a lot.
Thank you all again for your patience and support, its effect has meant more than you will ever know.