D. Bethel’s Work
A Website [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes: A geek/nerd discussion website that, primarily, hosts the weekly podcast, A Podcast [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes, that D. Bethel does with his equally over-educated, nerd co-dependent friend, Andrew Asplund. The website hosts articles about nerdy stuff from television to movies to video games, each of us bringing our own particular spin to the topic at hand (D. Bethel focuses on criticism and education; Andrew is well-schooled in the law). Subscribe the show on iTunes or listen to it on our YouTube channel.
Eben07 [defunct]: The humor/adventure webcomic about janitorial espionage––After the cloak & dagger come the mop & bucket. D. Bethel did writing and art for six years (2007-2013) with co-creator/co-writer, Eben Burgoon.