Long John Now on DriveThru Comics!

The DriveThru family of websites has been a staple of independent (and mainstream) tabletop gaming for years now with their flagship site, DriveThru RPG. In short, it’s a place where designers can post their games, expansions, and other assorted materials to the DriveThru marketplace for people to buy. What’s also cool about them is that they are also a print-on-demand service, so you aren’t only limited to pdfs.
They’ve expanded their offerings over the last few years, branching beyond tabletop RPGs into collectible card games, fiction, and, of course, comics.
The DriveThru community and their reach is huge, and I’ve been asked about hosting the books on DriveThru Comics for awhile, but have been wary for no good reason.
For now, I’m using DriveThru Comics only as a place to host the ebook versions of the comics––especially if you want an alternative to Gumroad. It’s also cool because built into the website are places where readers can discuss the book and leave reviews (which I highly encourage you to do)!
I’m excited to see what the response is and am happy to say that Long John is even more accessible online than before thanks to DriveThru Comics!

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