Crockercon 2024 wasn’t just another great show. It was a celebration. Of ten CrockerCons. Of comics and pop culture. Of Sacramento. Of art. Of friendship. Of joy. Of creativity and imagination. I can’t put my finger on it––my mind still hums from the experience––but this year felt different, like Sacramento itself realized how much of an institution this show is and came out for it. And celebrated.

I have had the pleasure of attending every CrockerCon since its inception in 2013, though that year I exhibited with my previous comic, Eben07. However, I would argue that it was the 2015 show that kicked off the version of CrockerCon that it is today. It was where the first CrockerCon poster with the show’s mascot, the Crockertron, debuted (drawn by the inimitable Sean Sutter), a tradition they’ve continued ever since (including the poster I drew for the show in 2019), and the first one that, in my point of view, “went big” and became the beacon that has made it even more important and attractive each year since.

Posters of CrockerCons Past. Artists from L to R: Sean Sutter, Michael Calero, Nate Flamm, Melissa Pagluica

Congrats to the show’s co-founder and my former comicking partner (from Eben07), Eben Burgoon, for taking the scrapes on the knuckles to move this from a glimmer of possibility he imagined years ago all the way to today. It’s not only a testament to his passion, imagination, and joy. This show is Eben. I’m so incredibly proud of what he has accomplished here with his drive, talent, and, of course, his team at the museum.

Congratulations are also in order for my good friend and fellow local comic creator, Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics, for jumping into the deep end as the new co-coordinator for this show. He held this year’s show together and I’m really excited to see where it will go under his guidance. Kyrun actually sat down with me to talk about this year’s CrockerCon with regard to our respective histories with the show and his new role behind the scenes.

Until next year!