Books ‘N Brews – Saturday, August 21
This Saturday kicks off an exciting new event at a local Sacramento brewery––New Helvetia––that puts the spotlight on local creators. Here’s the description:
A monthly celebration of books, beer & storytelling at New Helvetia Brewing Company. Come join us for our inaugural event! This month we are excited to welcome local comic book creators Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics, D. Bethel, and Jon Williams & Ben Robinson (of SpaceOddities). Come sip on craft beer and hear their stories. The event will be held on Saturday, August 21 from 2pm-8pm, and admission is free (though, if you’re a drinker, you should check out the excellent beer New Helvetia has on tap)! If you’re on Facebook, let the exhibitors know you’re coming by responding to the Facebook event (or click on the image below).
I’ve known Kyrun, Jon, and Eben––the guy that spearheaded the event––for a long time and it’ll be a great time to just catch up in-person (albeit safely)!

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